Watch as the Dobot Magician plays a game of Tic-Tac-Toe using Vision + Python and OpenCV. The Dobot Magician is very flexible with its API. The only potential limitation is your imagination. Explore the programming capabilities and pliability of the Dobot Magician by purchasing yours here!
Pick and Place Progress at Copley High School
Kirby Harder, Head of the Engineering Dept. at Copley High School is continuing to teach his students the fundamental aspects of the Dobot Magician's by utilizing the "Introduction to Robotics" Curriculum while creating unique challenges designed to take his student's...
Copley Grant Update – 3 Major Goals Met
We recently checked in with Kirby Harder of Copley High School who shared the following account, detailing the progress being made with the Dobot Magicians in his engineering course. This past week I introduced one of my engineering classes to the Dobot Magician and...