Dobot Assembly Project
Currently on Twitter, our new clients are tweeting about using the Dobot Suction Cup to pick and place objects used in demonstration here at a US trade show.
Mr. Ricardo O. reports that, “I am very thankful to have found you. Your product (Dobot) works like a charm and our client is excited to see what else we can do with your technologies.”
Expressing that he is “extremely pleased with the robotic arm solution” demonstrates the versatility of our “Do”bot! Take a moment to see the suction cup moving objects with pick and place technology!
New customers can find attentive service and quality engineering to help them create what their minds can imagine! One project in the early design phase is a miniature car assembly line using several Dobots and Conveyor Belts to produce a complete assembly system. We wish them great success!
Students in STEM Education can also design systems while meeting standards from Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), to International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Designing and learning to create using Dobot brings technology into the classroom while giving hands on experiences that lead to success for tomorrow. Once learned, Dobot can take students from the classroom to the world of technology, programming robots for real-life situations in engineering. We look forward to bringing our “Do”bot to students and clients across the US!
Exploring the Curriculum at Copley High School
Kirby Harder, Head of the Engineering & Technology Dept. at Copley High School, continues to share the inside scoop on how the Dobot Magician's and accompanying curriculum are being utilized in the classroom. Check out Kirby's insight, below! This week my first year...
Pick and Place Progress at Copley High School
Kirby Harder, Head of the Engineering Dept. at Copley High School is continuing to teach his students the fundamental aspects of the Dobot Magician's by utilizing the "Introduction to Robotics" Curriculum while creating unique challenges designed to take his student's...
Copley Grant Update – 3 Major Goals Met
We recently checked in with Kirby Harder of Copley High School who shared the following account, detailing the progress being made with the Dobot Magicians in his engineering course. This past week I introduced one of my engineering classes to the Dobot Magician and...